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Inviting and managing island members

You can invite other players to join your island or simply let them be able to do certain things.
There are 4 ranks:

  • Island owner

Is the owner and creator of the island

  • Island member

Is part of the island and cannot have his own island.

  • Trusted

Are not part of the island but can place and break blocks, use doors/levers, use anvils/furnaces, kill monsters/animals, open chests/shulkers/barrels, trade with villagers, use spawn eggs.

  • co-op

Can place and break blocks, use doors/levers, use anvils/furnaces, kill monsters/animals.



/team opens a menu with all the commands and info related to inviting island members / trusted / coop.
/island team shows you a list of every member that has acces to your island.
/island team coop playername invite a player as coop rank.
/island team trusted playername invite a player as trusted rank.
/island team invite playername invite a player as an island member.
/island team accept or /island team reject accept or reject a invite
/island team promote playername promote a player to the next rank.
/island team demote playername demote a player to the previous rank.
/island team kick playername remove a player from your island.

General 5 months ago

General info

Start on 1 of the 3 small starter islands to begin your journey. Build a cobblestone generator to gain resources such as iron, copper and even diamonds the higher tier you go. Level up your island by placing blocks and expanding your island to gain acces to more generators and biomes.

General commands

/help to see a menu with all useful skyblock commands

To request to teleport to other players use /tpa playername.
/tpa accept to accept or click the accept button in chat. The same goes for /tpa deny.

/back teleports you back to the last location you teleported from. It will not teleport you back to where you died!

/bal or /balance or /money will show you how much money you have.

/shop opens the shop menu.
/ah opens the auction house.
/trade trade with another player.
/chestshop browse search shops that are owned by other players
/chestshop create create your own chestshop while looking at a (double) chest. barrel or shulker.
It costs 10.000 to create your own playershop.

/vote to get links to vote for free rewards!
/warp crate will teleport you to the place where you can redeem your keys you get from voting for rewards.


You can use /island or /is with every island related command.

/island go teleport to your own island.
/island generators opens a gui menu were you can manage your cobble/stone generators.
/island level shows you your island level.
/island top shows you the top 10 islands with the highest level.
/island sethome sets the island home.
/island challenges opens a menu with all the challenges.
/island biome opens a menu where you can buy and manage your islands biome.
/island settings opens a menu where you can change some things what each rank on your island can do.
/island warps opens a menu with all player made warps.
To create a warp you need to have an island of level 200 and place a sign with the text [welcome].
/team opens a menu with all the commands and info related to inviting island members / trusted / coop.
More info here
/island value opens a menu where you can see and search what each block is worth in terms of island level.
/island limits see all the limits per island.

Limits 5 months ago


The server has limits on certain things to prevent lagg and server crashes.

Island Limits:

Skyblock has limits per island for certain blocks. Here are a view examples. use /is limits for an in game gui with all the limits per island and how many blocks you have on your island. 

Hopper: 10000
Piston: 20000
Sticky Piston: 8000
Cactus: 1000
Dispenser: 10000
Dropper: 10000

Redstone limits:

Fast redstone clocks are stopped by the server. Chunks with too much redstone activity will be unable to use redstone signals for a couple of minutes.
The limit is subject to change depending on player feedback and server performance.

Redstone block limits:

There are limits per chunk of how many of a certain block can be placed per chunk.

Pistons: 1024
Sticky Pistons: 384
Hopper: 512
Dropper: 512
Dispenser: 512
Observer: 64

Entity limits:

There are limits for mobs per chunk to prevent server and client lagg or crashes. If the limit has been reached mobs won't breed or spawn and if the limit has been exceeded mobs will be removed.

There is a limit of 25 for friendly mobs / animals per chunk.
Large animals have a limit of 10 per chunk.
Animals/friendly mobs with a nametag will not be removed.
Tamed mobs will not be removed

There is a limit of 16 for hostile mobs per chunk.


Limits 5 months ago


The server has limits on certain things to prevent lagg and server crashes.

Redstone limits:

Fast redstone clocks are stopped by the server. Chunks with too much redstone activity will be unable to use redstone signals for a couple of minutes.
The limit is subject to change depending on player feedback and server performance.

Redstone block limits:

There are limits per chunk of how many of a certain block can be placed per chunk.

Pistons: 512
Sticky Pistons: 128
Hopper: 256
Dropper: 256
Dispenser: 256
Observer: 32

Entity limits:

There are limits for mobs per chunk to prevent server and client lagg or crashes. If the limit has been reached mobs won't breed or spawn and if the limit has been exceeded mobs will be removed.

There is a limit of 25 for friendly mobs / animals per chunk.
Large animals have a limit of 10 per chunk.
Animals/friendly mobs with a nametag will not be removed.
Tamed mobs will not be removed

There is a limit of 16 for hostile mobs per chunk.

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