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Added new vote rewards for Survival!

You will now receive $100 + 1 vote key per vote making it a total of $700 + 7 keys per day!
By opening multiple crates you will reach milestones which will give you even more free rewards.!
/warp crate to redeem your keys.
Right click to redeem your keys and left click to preview all the rewards and odds.

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The Skyblock 1.20 update is here!

Adding lots of new items and cool features!
Added Biomes, Challenges, Player chestshops, an auctionhouse and more!
Added missing and 1.20 items!

Changelog - 22.12.2023

Skyblock upgraded to 1.20


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Dear Players of BananaCraft Network,


The Server is now online!

IP = mc-bananacraft.net
Discord: https://discord.gg/Eyuk3r4 
Store: https://mc-bananacraft.tebex.io/



Greeting from @NLHoutblok @2basemaster

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12 months ago

What gamemodes will be available to play?
At launch, Survival and Skyblock will be available to play, these gamemodes were the most popular on BananaCraft Network.

Why are the other gamemodes not available?
We aim to focus on quality over quantity, therefore we chose to only implement the most popular ones, and expand those further.

Will other gamemodes be available in the future?
For now, we want to focus on Survival and Skyblock first, we will expand and update these gamemodes with new features. Other gamemodes are currently not planned, but may be added in the future based on demand.

Are Survival and Skyblock any different fro...

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Dear players of BananaCraft,


We are happy to announce the return of BananaCraft Network!


The server will be going live on 8th of August on 20:00 CEST. 


We understand that you have many questions about the return of the network, most of these will be answered in a FAQ available soon.


The gamemodes that will be available at launch are Survival and Skyblock, they will be quite similar to the previous server, but also a bit revamped.


Questions regarding gamemodes and ranks will be answered in the FAQ.


Greetings from Houtblok and 2basemaster

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