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Inviting and managing island members
2basemaster Owner
19 posts
19 topics
5 months ago

Inviting and managing island members

You can invite other players to join your island or simply let them be able to do certain things.
There are 4 ranks:

  • Island owner

Is the owner and creator of the island

  • Island member

Is part of the island and cannot have his own island.

  • Trusted

Are not part of the island but can place and break blocks, use doors/levers, use anvils/furnaces, kill monsters/animals, open chests/shulkers/barrels, trade with villagers, use spawn eggs.

  • co-op

Can place and break blocks, use doors/levers, use anvils/furnaces, kill monsters/animals.



/team opens a menu with all the commands and info related to inviting island members / trusted / coop.
/island team shows you a list of every member that has acces to your island.
/island team coop playername invite a player as coop rank.
/island team trusted playername invite a player as trusted rank.
/island team invite playername invite a player as an island member.
/island team accept or /island team reject accept or reject a invite
/island team promote playername promote a player to the next rank.
/island team demote playername demote a player to the previous rank.
/island team kick playername remove a player from your island.

Last edited: 5 months ago