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Changelog - 22.12.2023
2basemaster Owner
19 posts
19 topics
6 months ago

Skyblock upgraded to 1.20


  • Added Auctionhouse
  • Added Chestshops (playershops)
  • Added Voting Crates (get keys for voting to open crates)
  • Added the ability to change your biome on your island
  • Added Challenges (progress through the challenges to unlock the ultimate reward)
  • Added 1.20 items to the shop (Cherry wood, Bamboo, Smithing templates, etc)
  • Added missing items to the shop (Coral blocks)
  • Added a beginner tutorial in spawn
  • Added the deepdark generator
  • Added new Rank perks (for Auctionhouse slots, Chestshops)
  • Added the ability to set a warp in the skyblock overworld at island level 200
  • Re-balanced The shop prices
  • Re-balanced the island block values
  • Changed block/entity limits
  • Changed voting rewards